Microsoft Executive Dismisses Concerns of Rogue Generative AI Threat

Microsoft exec affirms commitment to responsible AI development amid concerns of technological singularity. 

Microsoft Executive Dismisses Concerns of Rogue Generative AI Threat
If and when machines reject the intellectual and ethical hubs towards which we try to guide their development.' The company executive told a panel led by Kearney on Tuesday that Microsoft is "deeply committed" to guiding the "responsible development of artificial intelligence," and that it recognizes the need for "enlightened" policies that will push the technology's opportunities and restrain its "perils.

He was asked about how close we are to technological singularity when the AI we create could exceed humanity's control and start a chain reaction that changes everything. It may sound like an unlikely scenario, but researchers have faced this question before. Dr. Nivash Jeevanandam, a senior researcher for Microsoft, acknowledged that "the fear is that we're going to get to [singularity] point before -- or at the point of -- we can really guide what AI does, and at some point, the machines will, in fact, reject the guidance we try to give them, simply because of the inherent limitations of what we are.

Deeptankar De Mazumder, a physicist and cardiologist, has warned about the dark side of AI in various social and political contexts. “I think the question is are we going to let this thing go wild?” he said. “I think when people say, ‘Are you demonizing AI?’ and I say, ‘No, I’m trying to regulate AI.’” He went on to say, “I’m not saying that I think it’s going to spring forth and these things will happen, I’m simply saying that this is a possibility then it’s completely unethical to not regulate it. If you want to counter misinformation, it has to be regulated.”:"

Clark offered Microsoft’s Co-Pilot Program as a positive example of how AI can supplement — rather than replace — human creativity, this case aiding school children learning to read and write. “The idea is to pair the computer AI with a human being so that we can get the best out of this,” Clark said.

It will not shock you to hear that workers want AI to lighten their load. Microsoft's research shows that about 70 percent of workers would like some help -- they just wish companies would add more transparency about what's replacing their jobs. There's clearly some need to worry, though. A recent Forrester report claimed that 2.4 million "white-collar" jobs in the US might be taken over by generative AI by 2030, and the better-paid positions might have the most risk.

However, Jeevanandam argued that generative AI might become the centerpiece of competitive business models. There's an opportunity for AI to address longstanding problems at a global scale. As Srividya Sridharan said, all nations need to come together to establish ethical standards for the international use of AI. In short, it's critical. As we step into the era of artificial intelligence, the responsible governance of AI will be the linchpin for balancing the tranquility that comes with global change.

What is technological singularity, and how close are we to it?

The concern of technological singularity, where AI surpasses human control and leads to major changes, might seem silly at around the same time as "the singularity" that irreversably expands human intelligence. Researchers aren't so dismissive, however, including Microsoft senior researcher Dr. Nivash Jeevanandam -- he's concerned that we might reach this point before we can effectively steer AI, and the machines will make it a point to reject our guidance.

Can AI replace human creativity and collaboration?

It’s also an example of Microsoft’s Co-Pilot Program that Tyler Clark explains shows how AI can complement human skill, like in helping young school children learn how to read and write. That is, by combining the best that computer AI and human expertise have to offer. Generative AI

How can generative AI positively impact global business models?

Dr. Jeevanandam also explains how it can soon be the.“‘not so secret’ weapon that can take center stage in setting up distinct and differentiated business models,” he says. As the promise of AI continues to face the realities of a business world all of a sudden filing up with all kinds of companies looking to use it, the possibilities to use AI to address some of the world’s most important problem will be come key relative to which companies look for to those solutions and how global organizations look to collaborate to set ethical standards for its employment.

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