Barn Surprise: World's First Microcomputers Discovered by Cleaners!

"Time Capsule Unearthed: Rare Q1 Microcomputers Found at Kingston University - A Tech Marvel Rediscovered!"

Barn Surprise: World's First Microcomputers Discovered by Cleaners!
The Q1 Microcomputer
Two of the first desktop computers the world has ever known – the Q1 microprocessor – was recently unearthed at Kingston University in London. In a strange twist of fate, the groundbreaking machines were discovered more than half a century after they were last seen, with just one other known to exist. There are few milestones in human achievement more worthy of reverence than the creation of the desktop computer and the route to its true origin is a long and winding one, beset with challenges and mirror-image contenders. That the trial should end at the doors of Kingston University adds another captivating chapter to an already remarkable tale

Unearthing a Tech Relic:

It's a rare find for sure -- the Q1 microcomputer was born in 1972 and there aren't many left. They are so scarce that it's unusual they made their way out of the US at all, which makes its recent appearance at Kingston University all the more remarkable. The environmental clean-up company Just Clear stumbled upon the Q1 from a house in Surrey during a routine clear-out, so this was an old box, not a museum piece.

Q1's Technological Feats:

The Q1, built by the New York-based Q1 Corporation, is widely considered the first complete, standalone microcomputer. It had an integrated orange screen and keyboard and was impressively full-featured for its day, with networking with other Q1s, peripheral use, and tasks like word processing. The biggest deal was its CPU -- the Q1's Intel 8008 processor was the first example of the now-familiar microcomputer, making it the first "real" microcomputer some time ahead of the better-known MITS Altair 8800.

Pioneers and Foundations:

"Featuring the world’s earliest microcomputers, two Q1s, illustrates just how significant they were. From Q1 Corporation, via Sinclair and Acorn, the pioneers of the 1970s and 1980s paved the way for the omnipresent computers we now take for granted in everything from PCs to smartphones," says Paul Neve, Senior Lecturer at Kingston University.

The unearthing of the Q1 microcomputers at Kingston University not only adds a tangible piece to tech history but also pays homage to the pioneers who shaped our digital landscape. As we marvel at the humble beginnings of Q1, we recognize the profound impact these early innovations have had on everything devices we rely on today.

Source: Kingston University

How were the Q1 microcomputers found?

A routine clear-out in Surrey by environmental clean-up company Just Clear unearthed the collection of Q1 microcomputers, found by two Just Clear employees in an old box -not a museum setting.

Why are the Q1 microcomputers such a rare find?

The Q1 microcomputers are extremely scarce, with very few surviving examples still in existence dating back to 1972. Their unusual appearance outside the US, especially here at Kingston University, makes them an incredibly rare find.

What tech history of today was shaped by Q1 microcomputers?

So much of tech history was not witnessed. It was shaped. It’s only the most recent decades that were captured on video, and only the most recent years that were stared at and shared by historians. These Q1 microcomputers don’t just unearth a piece of tech history, they unearth and return to the 21st century the people who were part of tech history and shaped ours right from the start.

How can the discovery of Q1 microcomputers serve as inspiration for digital marketers when planning their content?

In creating interesting content, the journey is what to spotlight — the historical saga of these early microcomputers and the innovation within, all of those pioneers whose drive to be first forever altered our digital world.

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